I knew if I wanted my clients to embrace their imperfections and messy human emotions, I had to do it first (and show receipts!)
How to lead and ground yourself through anything life throws at you is one of the most important skills I teach my clients.
In my weekly email series, I give you a front row seat on how I hold myself through hard shit like: navigating big emotions as an emotionally sensitive girlie, channeling compassion during perfectionism flare-ups, and coping with the uncertainty of things that are out of my control.
yes, these are my stories.
But my hope is that you see yourself in them and feel understood, held, and validated.
(& learn some sh*t that helps on your healing journey)
Let's Go There (LGT) emails (mostly) every Friday with personal AF stories and lessons learned from working through hard shit.
The LGT Archive with every email I’ve ever written (did someone say binge sesh?)
My welcome sequence that's secretly an email course — “Stop Being a Dick to Yourself: How to go from your harshest critic to your biggest cheerleader."
$44 off of Two-week Telegram intensives, always!
First dibs + best prices on anything new I launch.