... i'm a devoted alarm snoozer and i'm doing juuuuust fine

And before you ask, healing all of your flaws and having everything you want aren't required. Neither are half-assed affirmations, a 189-hour morning routine, or a never-skip-a-day meditation practice.

It's about time you've experienced that whole
 "living your best life" thing

You’re not a DIY fixer-upper project, you’re a living, breathing, human being who deserves unconditional love and support especially from yourself.

Your dream life doesn’t start after you’ve hit all of your goals and fixed everything about you that sucks. It starts now, in your glorious imperfection.

Yes, I know about the laundry list of things you want to fix heal: over-sensitivity, perfectionism, overthinking, procrastination, low confidence and self-worth, fear of failure, shall I go on???

You thought getting rid of all those cute lil’ flaws would lead you to a completely healed life where you had no trouble crushing your goals, manifesting your desires, and if you’re being honest… finally feeling worthy. 

You try so hard to be a perfectly healed person with a perfectly curated life and it’s slowly sucking the life out of you.

Let's be real – the pressure you put on yourself is f*king insane. 



...Am I Getting Warm?

Have an internal tug-of-war between different parts of you, like the part that wants to go after your dreams with reckless abandon and the part that’s perfectly content staying small and safe. 

Want an intuitively led life, but you barely trust yourself enough to order a new appetizer at your favorite restaurant.

Know you have a purpose in this crazy world to make a massive impact on others, but at times struggle to lead with your authentic self. 

Don't have a problem with the whole “feeling your feelings” thing – your emotions are like tidal waves you can’t seem to stop feeling.

Chase the version of your life where you have everything you want so you'll FINALLY stop being so on dissatisfied, overwhelmed, and on edge.

Feel inherently flawed or broken in ways that other people aren’t, and think if you fix what’s wrong with you, you’ll feel good enough.

...even if you don’t know exactly what that looks like yet. 

You're bone-tired, waving a white flag, and finally ready to consider that *maybe* you could be wildly fulfilled without needing everything to be perfect first...

You’re a sensitive soul who craves a deep, meaningful life, and constant personal evolution…

…but somewhere along the way, healing turned into outrunning your imperfections instead of embracing your authentic self. 

to be anyone except who you are in this very moment (WHILE still committing to your growth and evolution #paradox)

Take the pressure off of yourself

on life on a DAILY basis (without any affirmations you don't *really* believe or fake gratitude journaling because ew, vom).

Bask in the bliss of your life

and CELEBRATE them instead of telling yourself they weren’t good enough and rushing onto the *next thing*

Notice your accomplishments

even the stuff you don’t like (emotional sensitivity, overthinking, and stomach pooch, I'm looking at you). 

Accept ALL of yourself

in your thoughts, feelings, and patterns – no more wasting time on healing that only *kinda* helps but never takes you all the way

See deep and lasting change

throughout your day because you’re able to move through tough emotions with ease (say bye-bye-bye to the emotional rollercoaster)

Feel grounded and regulated

I know you're DYYYING to finally...

Coaching with me will simultaneously feel like balm to your aching soul and challenging as I call you forward out of limiting patterns.

I want you to always feel deeply seen and accepted in all of your imperfections AND inspired to make changes (but out of love instead of shame).

As the former founder, president, and CEO of the “I can fix myself into perfection” club, I can pinky promise you it gets to feel way f*king better.

I'm Kristina


- olivia -

"Kristina is the coach for those who have been around the self-help block and have come really far from where they were, but still feel like there is something that they can't get past and like they’re starting to chase their tail."


"Kristina has helped me make small shifts that have turned into BIG changes in my life! I absolutely love the questions she asks and how she supports you in a compassionate way. Overall, I highly recommend her if you are ready to make big shifts in your life, business or mindset!"


“Kristina took such a (what I considered) benign annoyance I had in my day and helped me realize that I was annoyed by it because of a MUCH bigger issue that needed to be addressed. She is so good at what she does.” 


"Being coached by Kristina is a breath of fresh air. She is amazing at breaking down situations and asking me questions I never thought to dive deeper into. Working with her blew my mind."


Telegram voice and text message coaching M-F

Telegram Only


Two, 1:1 calls per month + Telegram voice and text message coaching M-F

Calls & Telegram



If we are both excited about moving forward, we will set a start date, I'll send you your contract, invoice, and client questionnaire and we will CELEBRATE 🎉

Make it official!


Within 2 business days, I'll follow up with you via IG DM or Telegram (your choice) with answers to the questions you include with your application, and I’ll ask any follow up questions that came up while reading your responses. 

Voice chat follow-up


You'll fill out some questions about you, what you're looking for help with, and why you'd like to work together. You will also indicate which package you want, and if you'd prefer to pay in full use a payment plan.

Submit your application


here's the application process

Since i know you're a details girlie... 

A space where I will teach you how to find your own answers and I'll and support you every step of the way while you do it.

*P.S. this is NOT Therapy and is NOT a place to treat mental health conditions or process active trauma. That work should be done prior to engaging in coaching.

An opportunity to practice playing with beginner energy and exploring both new concepts, and familiar concepts you need to deepen into.

A place to build skills and learn new tools that you will continue to, explore, deepen into, and hone well past our work together.

A complete deconstruction of how you currently understand yourself and your personal development work.

Healing to feel more power over how you show up in your life – whatever happens externally in your life after that is up to you and the universe. 

This IS:

Somewhere you can lead with your ego about how "self-aware" you are and how much you "already know" when clearly *something* isn't working.

Your ticket to becoming fully healed. This work is transformative, but "fully healed" or "no more struggling EVER" isn't real.

The same old self-help with a new twist.

A means to an end. You aren't healing so you can attract a partner, make more money, or find some other arbitrary measure of success. 

Another space to outsource your power.

This ISN'T:

here's what this is and what this isn't


Because boundaries are 

I've got answers

got questions?

how do i know this will work for me?

You don't! And if you want a guarantee that coaching with me will be your magic bullet to living your best life, it's probably not a good fit right now. I can't save you from yourself and I can't promise you instant results.

What I can say is that whatever your goals are right now, you're going to make progress toward them. 

How much progress depends on how uncomfortable you're willing to get, and how much you can surrender to a new approach to healing (your ego and inner control freak can still hang out with us, but they have to take the back seat).

What results can I expect? Do you make guarantees? 

There's a lot of promising shiny outcomes and the achievement of societally defined success (money, booming business, romantic partnerships, weight loss, unwavering happiness, etc). 

That's not really my jam and I make no promises or guarantees of milestones you’ll hit because of coaching. My clients have a habit of attaching their worth to those achievements, so future casting dream scenarios isn't the most helpful thing I can offer.

In our coaching we'll focus more on process than outcome. Meaning, instead of focusing on external “check the box” type goals, our goals will be internally focused like learning to: 

  • See, understand, and accept the parts of you that you reject 
  • Connect deeper with your emotions and more easily work through the icky ones
  • Build trust in yourself, your intuition, and your ability to powerfully problem solve 
  • Shift your inner dialogue to be compassionate instead of mean AF
  • Challenge and rewrite your limiting beliefs so you don't feel dragged down by your past conditioning

These internal changes will radiate into your external reality BUT you can't trick yourself into using your inner healing as a means to an end (ask me how I know that).  

Is “learn to be nice to yourself” less sexy than “double your income in three months”? Maybe.

But you've already tried hustling your way to achievement through external means and it's left you feeling empty, unworthy, and dissatisfied. Your intuition knows it’s time for a new approach, or you wouldn’t have read this far down on my sale page ;)

How long do I have to commit to get the most out of coaching?

This is highly individual and it depends! Some clients receive massive breakthroughs in one session, others need a couple months to let concepts marinate (we are literally changing the structure of your brain here, that's not a figure of speech).

Four months is the minimum amount of time I recommend if you want to rewrite your current beliefs, habits, and explore patterns that contribute to an overall lack of fulfillment. There are so many layers to explore (insert “ogres are like onions” Shrek reference) and it requires time and space to do it in a way that doesn't overwhelm your nervous system.

For focused coaching on a hyper specific sticking point, changes can happen quicker in a matter of days or weeks.

Speaking from personal experience, whether you choose short term or long term coaching, some of it will land the moment you hear it, other times it’ll take months or years before you truly *get it.*

Don't hate me for saying this… but TRUST THE PROCESS.

What's the deal with Telegram coaching?

First things first, Telegram is a messaging app where you can send both text and audio messages. Asynchronous, daily (M-F) Telegram coaching is included in all of my coaching packages.

My LOVE for Telegram coaching can't be overstated. It offers flexibility for clients who are in different time zones or are in busy seasons of life and don't want more calls on their calendars. It's also incredible for verbal processors and overthinkers – it's like journaling but with another person giving feedback.

My favorite thing about it is how much implementation support it offers. There's no need to wait a week or two to report everything that's happened since our last call – you can pop into Telegram in real time to share how things are going, your experience trying the tools we discuss, and to get help when you get stuck. We’re able to cover more ground and go deeper than we can with weekly or bi-weekly sessions alone.

If you've never had coaching via Telegram PLEASE do yourself a favor and book a two-week intensive. It's a game changer! 

what if i don't like it? can i get a refund?

Coaching is a deep, intimate, consent-based relationship that both parties need to be fully invested in. If for whatever reason you're no longer willing or able to do so, we will terminate our contract.

Four month coaching packages have a refund option in certain circumstances (two-week intensives do not). There is a seven day grace period. If at any time during the first seven days either of us decide it's not a good fit, I'll give you a full refund.

AFTER the first seven days, any coaching services delivered are not eligible for a refund, no exceptions. However, you may be refunded for the unused portion of the package. For example, if you use three months of your four month package, you may get refunded for the remaining month. If you chose a payment plan, the remainder of the payment plan would be canceled. 

If you're curious about working together and want to assess our coaching dynamic before committing to a long term package, I highly recommend starting with a two-week Telegram intensive. 

do you have payment plans?

Yes! For four month packages, you have the option for a four or five month payment plan.

What coaching tools, modalities, or philosophies do you use?

A mix of cognitive behavioral coaching, parts work, shadow work, positive psychology, polyvagal theory (nervous system work), existential coaching, and feminine/masculine energetics.

I also use a combination of:

Coaching: powerful questioning and letting clients come to conclusions on their own;

Mentorship: drawing from my own experiences and sharing what works for me to spark ideas for you to personalize;

Teaching and skill development: building your capacity to independently shift thoughts and beliefs, connect with your emotions and your body, practice self-acceptance and compassion, and reduce shame.

Do you only work with coaches/entrepreneurs?

Nope! The women I love to help have a deep desire to be of service to others and to do work that makes them feel alive. They're not the kind of women who feel *meh* about their job, use it to fund their lives, and find fulfillment outside of work. My clients want to feel deep purpose and fulfillment in their work and personal lives. 

They've got hearts of solid gold and big dreams, but they need help feeling into what that looks like and how to get tf out of their own way to do it. The coaching, healing, and entrepreneurial spaces attract these women like moths to a flame, BUT that doesn’t mean that this isn't also fulfilled within an office or corporate environment.

The common thread for my clients isn't coaching or entrepreneurship, it's a desire to create massive personal fulfillment AND massively impact others in the process. 

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Stop daydreaming about your best life — Start living it NOW